Guitar Tutee’s first mission was to help all guitar enthusiasts, beginners and pros alike, improve their guitar-playing skills by providing a video of selected songs. The idea evolved middle of this year(2007), when most of our tutees (yes, we are guitar teachers) seemed to be uninterested in the basics of music and guitar-playing and would rather jump into playing their favorite songs immediately. This phenomenon hit us right in the face and, upon further mulling, actually made more sense than our original plans (because we end up teaching those popular songs anyway). Hence the result: GuitarTutee. We’re just starting out but we hope to fill this website with tutorials of all the popular songs we dare to play.
While in Youtube, we realized that we’re not only catering to people who want to learn the guitar, but practically to everyone who loves music in general. To be more specific, we had some subscribers singing to our videos. This literally broke us down, in a good way, and made us cry with tears of joy. Can you imagine that? Accompanying with the guitar someone singing a good hundreds and even thousands of miles away? That’s like what we secretly envisioned when we were just starting out as music teachers. Back then we dreamt of eventually performing with the best singers here in the Philippines. Now, we’re already playing the guitar for the world.
Anyway, we hope you like our website. Check us out once in a while to see our tutorial updates and our new videos. Don’t forget to subscribe to our feeds and get our tutorial updates through e-mail. Also, feel free to give us your comments and suggestions. And put that last-song-syndrome of yours out of its misery by requesting through our Leave Your Request Page. We’d even appreciate it.
-Guitar Tutee
All Rights Reserved. 2007-2008
Disclaimer: The lyrics posted in this website are properties of respective artists. Everything else, if you shall allow us to say so, is ORIGINAL. GT ORIGINAL.